Google Kenya and Google Burundi “Hacked” by Pakistani Group

Over the weekend, hackers of the Pakistani MaDLeeTs group have defaced Google Burundi and Google Kenya. The impacted domains are,,,, and

The most likely scenario is that the hackers defaced the websites via DNS poisoning, a method often used to make it appear as if Google was hacked.

MaDLeeTs representatives have told me that they’re also responsible for “hacking” Google Serbia, and several high-profile websites from Israel by using the same method. 

At the time of writing, the DNS records for the impacted Google Burundi and Google Kenya domains have been restored and the websites are working properly.

It’s worth noting that Google Kenya appears to be an easy target for hackers. A Bangladeshi hacker called TiGET-M@TE defaced it only a few months ago.



Hopefully article about Google Kenya and Google Burundi “Hacked” by Pakistani Group useful for Om Goegel loyal readers. Know more about me, please read more on WHO AM I? page. Great thanks.

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